Package Managers

Spotube is available in various Package Managers supported by Platform



Make sure Flatpak is installed in your Linux device & Run the following command in the terminal:

$ flatpak install com.github.KRTirtho.Spotube

Arch User Repository (AUR)♾️

If you’re an Arch Linux user, you can also install Spotube from AUR. Make sure you have yay/pamac/paru installed in your system. And Run the Following command in the Terminal:

$ yay -Sy spotube-bin
$ pamac install spotube-bin
$ paru -Sy spotube-bin



Spotube can be installed through Homebrew. We host our own cask definition thus you’ll need to add our tap first:

$ brew tap krtirtho/apps
$ brew install --cask spotube



Spotube is available in repo. If you have chocolatey install in your system just run following command in an Elevated Command Prompt or PowerShell:

$ choco install spotube


Spotube is also available in the Official Windows PackageManager WinGet. Make sure you have WinGet installed in your Windows machine and run following in a Terminal:

$ winget install --id KRTirtho.Spotube


Spotube is also available in Scoop bucket. Make sure you have Scoop installed in your Windows machine and run following in a Terminal:

$ scoop bucket add extras
$ scoop install spotube